Blog,  Happy Hour

New beginnings

About two months ago, we got some unexpected, yet really exciting news: we’re moving! Because of this, I put everything on the back burner for a while to focus on working on the new apartment and as such, decided to postpone the “official” launch of this blog until now.

Our stuff is moved, we’ve handed over the keys to the old place and we’re finally starting to settle into our new place. I’m really happy with how it’s coming along, which means I’m starting to get a little more room to breathe than during the move itself (which was quite stressful).

I’ve definitely been keeping busy; painting, assembling furniture, hanging shelves and lights and trying to decorate my new room while maximising the space as best I can.
Unfortunately that meant giving up on my Canaries trip for this year. Though, that does make space in my schedule for France; I’ll finally be able to ‘finish’ [the French part of] the Camino properly.

Even though all of this is very exciting, I also can’t help but feel a little bit anxious. I’m very good at planning stuff. However, I’m not always good at either sticking to the plans or managing my time well. And a big move such as this — leaving an apartment we lived in for over 18 years — has been quite a big undertaking. I can’t compartmentalise well and usually try to do everything at once, which mightn’t be the best way to go about things. Cause if I can’t manage something within my preferred timeframe, I get very stressed.

But all in all, I’m happy, because we managed to do it in time. Sure, there are still boxes everywhere since it’s taking a while to unpack everything; but it means a fresh start and I like the new place a lot better.

I also got myself a new camera, as a birthday present and a little bit to make up for the ‘lost’ Canaries trip. So far I’m loving it and very much enjoying discovering all of the features. I’m also trying to figure out what kind of lenses would suit my style. I’ve already got two in mind, so I’m gonna see about maybe getting one for my upcoming hike. Perhaps also an external mic if I can figure out the video settings in time. We’ll see.

In any case, exciting things lay ahead. And with June just around the corner, I’m anxious to see what the second half of the year holds. 2022 sure has been good so far. Fingers crossed.

Until next time!

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